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Ohio District 13 Science Day


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The University of Mount Union is proud to be the host for the annual Ohio District 13 Science Day! Science Day 2020 will be held on Saturday, March 14 in Bracy Hall.

Ohio District 13 Science Fair is one of 17 District Science Fairs in Ohio and is governed by the Junior Academy of the Ohio Academy of Science. Our District Council is responsible for the organization of this fair each year. This fair is open to 5th - 12th graders from the following counties: Carroll, Stark, and Tuscarawas. Students must receive a Superior rating at their local science fair in order to compete at the District level.

Students wishing to compete at the State Science Day must receive a Superior rating at the District Science Day and meet the eligibility requirements detailed in Section III) n) of the  State Science Day Standards

All participants are still required to use the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair forms, as those are the forms the Ohio Academy of Science requires for participation in Local, District, and State Science Days!


Participants should arrive between 7:30 am - 8:30 am to check-in and set up their projects at the University of Mount Union, Bracy Hall. Judging will begin promptly at 8:45 am through 11:45 am

Early Judging Students
Only students who have submitted early judging forms, will be allowed to be judged early. The Early Judging Form was to be submitted by teachers by the due date listed. The forms were emailed to all teachers multiple times before the due date.  Early judging participants should arrive between 7:30 - 8 a.m. for check-in and project set up. Early Judging will go from 8 - 8:45 a.m. Students should take their projects after they are judged or should have someone remove them from the early judging room by 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 14, 2020.

*If we never received students' early judging forms from teachers by the deadline, students will not be judged early. No exceptions.

Weather/Snow Cancellation: It is highly unlikely we will cancel the Ohio District 13 Science Day due to the weather. We will make the decision and post on our website by Thursday, March 12 at 5 p.m. If there is no posting, it means the Ohio District 13 Science Day will proceed as scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2020.

District 13 Science Day Co-Chairs: Jamie Greiner and Dr. Chris Stanton

Please contact Jamie Greiner at or (330) 829-8161 with any questions or concerns.


District 13 Science Day is governed by the District 13 Council, a group of K-12 teachers, college professors, and science supporters.

The District 13 Council is affiliated with the Ohio Academy of Science Junior Academy Council, whose purpose is to discover and foster ability and interest in science and mathematics among students in grades 5-12. The District 13 Science Day has also affiliated with Broadcom Masters again for 2019-2020, where the top 10% of 6th-8th grader projects at District 13 Science Day advance to compete in Broadcom Masters.

9th - 12th grade students at District 13 Science Day who qualifies for our District 13 Science Day BSEF quota, will be eligible to compete in the Buckeye Science and Engineering Fair on April 4, 2020. The Buckeye Science and Engineering Fair is an opportunity, where students compete to advance to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

"The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, providing an annual forum for more than 1,700 high school students from over 70 countries, regions, and territories to showcase their independent research and compete for about $5 million in awards in 17 categories."-
ISEF website