Mount Union Professor Kumler Awarded for Excellence in Service
June 11, 2020GRANVILLE, Ohio — Ohio Campus Compact has awarded Dr. Lori Kumler, associate professor of political science and international studies at the University of Mount Union, with the David Hoch Memorial Award for Excellence in Service.
Kumler has been involved in collaborative work with Mount Union’s Regula Center for Public Service and Civic Engagement to increase student voter registration through the Civic Corners initiative and the ALL IN Campus Challenge.
The award is designed to recognize and honor the outstanding work in service-learning and/or civic engagement done by a faculty or staff member at an Ohio Campus Compact member institution. Kumler was selected from a pool of candidates from more than 40 member institutions in the state. Ohio Campus Compact is a statewide non-profit coalition of colleges and universities working to promote civic engagement.
“In all of her roles, Dr. Kumler finds ways to improve the opportunities our campus offers,” said Mount Union President Dick Merriman. “Her dedication to civic engagement at all levels is unmatched. She has become an example of what we hope to cultivate in our faculty.”
Dr. Michael Sharp of the University of Cincinnati was the other Hoch Memorial Award recipient.
Learn more about Mount Union’s Civic Corners initiative and the ALL IN Challenge at