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Not Another Statistic Diversity Conference to be held October 27

October 23, 2018

ALLIANCE, Ohio – The 11th annual Not Another Statistic Conference will be held on Saturday, October 27 at the University of Mount Union.

This year’s conference, entitled Gone in a SNAP?: Promote lasting change in the age of social media, will be hosted by the University of Mount Union's Student Diversity Council and Office of Diversity and Inclusion. It is something we hope will inspire all who attend to learn and grow together at the conference and then go back to their respective communities to live out the change they would like to see while encouraging others to do the same.

Registration is required by Wednesday, October 24, but is free to UMU students, faculty, and staff. Visit to sign up. The registration fee is $35 per person for students of other universities and community members.

Check-in will begin at 8:45 a.m., followed by keynote speaker, Jamele Adams. Adams will present It’s LIT! Race matters in the age of friends, followers, likes, and swipes, at 9:30 a.m., in the Brush Performance Hall, Giese Center for the Performing Arts. There will be two concurrent sessions, followed by a forty-five-minute lunch break, a third session followed by a “Grab-N-Go” snack area, then a final session. The event will conclude at 4:30 p.m.

The sessions include: Navigating Your First Year of College presented by Callie Flonnoy, Caitie Shimp, and Darnell Tucker; I’m Not Racist, I Have a Friend Who is Black, presented by Destinee Thompson and Janicia Bonney; From Streets to Tweets: Unpacking the Use of Digital Activism, presented by Thalia Anguiano and Ilianna Velez; Inclusive Leadership, presented by Dr. Talea R. Drummer-Ferrell; Personalities and The People That Go with Them, presented by Christine Morey; as well as, Life Lessons Learned with Luggage Tags, presented by Dawn Adams.

Hotel rooms are available at the Comfort Inn and the Holiday Inn Express in Alliance at the discounted rate of $98 per night as well as Hampton Inn and Suites Alliance for $129 per night.  Accessible rooms are also available. Reservations should be made as soon as possible with the appropriate hotel, as rooms are limited.

For more information, contact Ron Holden assistant dean of students and director of Diversity and Inclusion, at (330) 823-2138 or

