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Triple major, Ashton Knappenberger '25, Leads Her Future with Determination

September 05, 2024

By Fatima Magana '22

ALLIANCE- Seeking a triple Bachelor of Arts in English, public relations, and Spanish, Ashton Knappenberger '25, found her passion for writing and storytelling at Mount Union. Reminiscing on every memory she has made on campus, Knappenberger explains that she has many favorite memories. However, if she were to choose one, it would be guiding incoming students as a preview guide.

Knappenberger '25 discussing the Honors Program at Mount Union

"After coaching one season of eighth-grade volleyball in my first year at Mount Union, I quickly realized that while I loved the players on my team, I do not have the patience to answer questions and give directions for eight hours every day," said Knappenberger.

Already an English major, with the help of Dr. David Thiele, director of the Honors Program, Knappenberger challenged herself by adding two more concentrations to her academic studies. Knappenberger applied her love for creative writing outside of the classroom, joining student organizations like the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), where she can travel to enhance her skill set. Though following her dad's footsteps—becoming a public relations professional, Knappenberger credits Dr. Andrea Ferraro, associate professor in communication, for instilling in her a love for the field thanks to the passion Ferraro teaches.


Knappenberger '25 (middle in the top row) with members of PRSSA

Trying to pick my favorite major is probably like a parent trying to pick their favorite child!

Utilizing the skills each of her majors has given her, Knappenberger aspires to work for nonprofit organizations upon graduation, at an art museum, or a public relations agency where she can help with internal and external communication. However, Knappenberger explains that her love for diverse cultures and languages will allow her to help non-English speakers, breaking a language barrier. Looking back at her collegiate experience, Knappenberger advises prospective and current students to step outside their comfort zone and challenge themselves to enhance their professional opportunities.

"'Poco a poco, se va lejos' (Little by little, you will go far). This [Spanish] saying is applicable in so many ways," said Knappenberger. "As someone who hates procrastinating, I often apply this principle by chipping away at something that needs to be done every day, which helps with time management in college, as it is crucial."

    Knappenberger '25 (middle) accepting her role as class president at the Spring 2024 Honors Convocation

In addition to her student life activities, this academic year Knappenberger serves as class president, hoping to help her classmates achieve their goals by offering opportunities and tools essential to each of their needs. Therefore, time management is a skill she has learned to master, as it makes her feel a sense of accomplishment and helps her avoid burnout from juggling an academic and social life.

"[When choosing to triple major,] there were more people in my support system discouraging me from taking on three majors because they feared for my sanity!" said Knappenberger. "[However,] the perfect college experience is built when focusing on the little things; therefore, students should not pressure themselves."

Knappenberger '25 (left) with a friend at a campus event.

Knappenberger has formed meaningful connections and friendships throughout her time as a Purple Raider and is ready to make many more during her last academic year.