Additional Cords, Sashes, and Stoles
Graduates may wear only one professionally made stole or sash representing a recognized Mount Union student organization with which they are affiliated, or, in the case of an international student, a stole recognizing their home country. If you have more than one stole, you will be asked to remove it. You may wear a second sash or stole underneath your robe for after the ceremonies.
Organizations providing cords for graduates are requested not to select cords with colors representing University issued honors, such as Latin honors (gold, silver, white, red or purple). Variegated tassels with these colors are a good alternative.
No political or badges representing particular issues or causes may be worn on the gown or cap. Graduates are asked to respect the views of others and to afford this milestone in their life the respect it is due.
Graduates are reminded that while graduation exercises are a time of celebration for the graduates and their families, the occasion is also a formal ceremony that requires appropriate, traditional dress. Slippers and flip-flops are not appropriate. Men traditionally wear long slacks and a collared shirt, and women typically wear slacks or a dress/skirt.
If you have questions regarding the sashes, stoles, or cords, please contact Dr. Mark Himmelein, the University Marshal, at