2004-05: Gordon E. Heffern - former chairman of the board, Society Corporation and James W. Griffith, president and chief executive officer, The Timken Company
2005-06: F. G. "Buck" Rogers - author of The IBM Way and Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Others
2006-07: Thomas Petzinger, Jr. - co-founder and chief executive officer of LaunchCyte LLC, a Pittsburgh-based biotechnology development company
2008-09: Nancy Hill '79 - President and CEO of American Association of Advertising Agencies
2009-10: Paul Worstell - president of PRO-TEC Coating Company
2010-2011: Dr. John A. Neuenschwander ‘63-author and municipal judge, Kenosha, WI
2012-13: Frank Casey - financial expert
2013-14: Shawn Seipler - executive director and co-founder of Clean the World
2014-15: Abraham Madkour - executive editor of Street & Smith's SportsBusiness Journal, SportsBusiness Daily and SportsBusiness Daily Global
2016-17: Gretchen Schuler - Vice President of Insurance Risk Management and Technical Documentation for Invacare Corporation
2017-18: Jordon Rooney - founder and CEO of Never Fear Being Different (NFBD)
2019-20: Dr. Gil Van Bokkelen - Chairman and CEO of Athersys, Inc
2022-23: Michael Crawford - Chairman, President and CEO of Hall of Fame Resort & Entertainment Company
2023-2024: Dr. Chelsea Monty-Bromer, PhD, associate professor of chemical and biomedical engineering and founder of RooSense, LLC