Parents and Families
As you know, college is a critical time for growth and development. At the University of Mount Union, students have every opportunity – both in and out of the classroom – to stretch intellectually and personally. The Jumpstart Summer Bridge Program provides the chance to get an extra “jump” on this development and the college experience!
This is the second year for the Jumpstart Summer Bridge Program, which was initiated in the summer of 2017 based on the research and work of Dr. Lori Braa, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Sports Business.
“Students are more prone to continue their education if they identify someway with campus and make connections. If they feel connected and part of things, they are less likely to transfer,” said Braa, who also says, "This program is a commitment to students' academic success."
Jumpstart allows incoming first-year students, like yours, the ability to learn about class and academic expectations in the University setting, discover new techniques to develop study and academic success skills, and focus on how time management and finding balance are key to the learning process. Upon completing Jumpstart, your student will feel comfortable on campus, understand where to go for help and that faculty members are here and want to help develop and guide them toward academic accomplishment.
As you know, Jumpstart is designed to help your student transition to the college setting and to ensure they make connections to people and support on campus to help with this. Those connections are also invaluable to you as part of the support team for your new Mount Union student! To that end, we invite you to our family programming on the first and last days of the Jumpstart program! More information about this will be posted in early May!
During the move-in time, 12:00 pm to 2:15 pm, families will be able to schedule a time to meet with Student Financial Aid and/or the Business Office to ensure your questions are answered and you’ve got a firm grasp on the finances at Mount Union.
Beginning at 2:30pm, once all the moving in has taken place, we have several sessions for families and parents that will include a more detailed introduction to the Jumpstart program, a session about what to expect in from your college students in the first semester and year, an introduction to services on campus that you may need (bookstore, Purple Plus card, etc., and information about other supports for your student on campus.
More information about this program, including an invitation to which you can RSVP, will be emailed to you at the beginning of July.
To mark the end of the Jumpstart experience for you and your students, we invite you to our closing banquet on Saturday, August 3 at 11:30 am. During this event, we’ll recognize the hard work of your students, share how the program progressed, and give the students a chance to show you some of what they’ve worked on in the past two weeks!
More information about this program, including an invitation to which you can RSVP, will be emailed to you at the beginning of July.