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Houseworth ’26 Grateful to be a Purple Raider

December 16, 2024

By Fatima Magana '22

ALLIANCE – Nursing student Olivia Houseworth ’26 has connected with other students who share a passion for the medical field and have found their home away from home as Purple Raiders. Houseworth is especially grateful this holiday season for her Mount Union experience.

Houseworth '26 in her nursing scrubs

“As a first-year student at Mount Union I wanted to get involved and meet new people, so I started working in the Raider Relations Call Center,” said Houseworth. “Working for the call center has allowed me to interact with the off-campus Mount Union community like alumni and parents.”

As a nursing student, Houseworth has also made connections on campus through the Student Nursing Association and her sorority, Alpha Xi Delta. While she explains that every person – from faculty, staff, and her peers – has made her academic journey unique, Houseworth states that Kelly Schwendiman and Perri Concialdi, both clinical assistant professors, have impacted her nursing career the most.

Houseworth '26 in a Mount Union nursing lab

"I am fortunate to have professors that care so deeply about my success as a student and future nurse,” said Houseworth.

Houseworth adds that every academic year has been full of goal-setting and academic accomplishments. Therefore, she is grateful for Mount Union and everyone who has been part of her journey on campus.

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