Mount Union Student Group Creates Program, Event to Tackle Food Insecurity
Six University of Mount Union students are confronting food insecurity in Stark County through a new initiative titled Stark County WINS, (Wellness Integrated Nutrition to Society) and will host a virtual event on Saturday, March 27 at 1:30 p.m.
Boatright Selected for Prominent National Education Fellowship
The American Council on Education (ACE) has announced its 2021-22 cohort for the ACE Fellows Program which includes Dr. Bryan Boatright, assistant vice president for academic affairs and university registrar at the University of Mount Union.
Mount Union Professor Kumler Awarded for Excellence in Service
Ohio Campus Compact has awarded Dr. Lori Kumler, associate professor of political science and international studies at the University of Mount Union, with the David Hoch Memorial Award for Excellence in Service.
Mount Union Plan for Campus Civic Engagement Named Top 10 Nationally
The University of Mount Union’s plan for the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge was selected as one of the top plans in the country for civic engagement, as of April 2020. For those Ohio residents who have not obtained an absentee ballot, there is an Absentee Ballot Tool on the Mount Union website, provided by
TUBACHRISTMAS Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary at Mount Union November 30
For years, the National Honorary Band Fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi, has been hosting the annual TUBACHRISTMAS event. This year won’t be any different, with its fifth year of celebration on Friday, November 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the University of Mount Union’s Brush Performance Hall in the Giese Center for the Performing Arts.
Green Raiders Take Second Place in Canstruction Competition
ALLIANCE, Ohio – The University of Mount Union’s Green Raiders took second place in the first Canstruction event hosted by the Alliance Area Habitat for Humanity.
Mount Union Civic Corners Encourage Student Participation in Civic Duties
ALLIANCE, Ohio – The University of Mount Union’s Regula Center for Public Service and Civic Engagement, in collaboration with the Department of Political Science and International Studies and the Mount Union Library, has become the first university to install special kiosks that help students fulfill their civic duties.
Mount Union to Host Nursing Conference for Continuing Education
ALLIANCE, Ohio – The Inter-Science Research Club at the University of Mount Union will host a conference on Friday, April 6 tailored to nurses seeking continuing education.
Saturday of Service
On Saturday, September 10, 20 student volunteers worked alongside the Alliance YWCA Clothing Boutique to move clothing and racks to their new location.