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Showing 271-280 of 280 results

PT Accreditation Status and Complaint Policies

Learn more about the University of Mount Union Doctor of Physical Therapy Program's accreditation status with CAPTE.

Preview Overnight Accommodations

The University of Mount Union recognizes that our new students and/or their guests may need to stay in Alliance either prior to or after their in-person Preview experience. Information for overnight accommodations is provided below.

Message from the Chair

Message from Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development chair Dr. Michael Knepp

Office of Information Technology

The Office of Information Technology supports the University's teaching and learning mission, the pursuit of effective business practices, and the practice of collaborating and partnering with the faculty, staff, and students in applying information technology to achieve their goals.

Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources affirms the importance of reason, open inquiry, living faith, and individual worth. As such, the Office of Human Resourcs philosphy establishes a clear and decisive link between the University, the faculty and staff of the University, and the surrounding community.

Choral Program

The University of Mount Union offers a comprehensive choral music program, which is open to ALL students, not just students who major in music; we take great pride in the fact that our vocal/choral ensembles are comprised of musicians from virtually every academic discipline on campus.

Graduation Requirements

All students who wish to graduate must apply for graduation at least one semester prior to their planned date of graduation.

2024-2025 ug catalog v.1.0.0 final

peaceful assembly policy

irb how-to citi program registration instructions