Sustainability Minor
Mount Union's minor in sustainability pairs well with several majors as students become environmentally savvy through classroom learning and hands-on experiences at the Huston-Brumbaugh Nature Center.
Honors Benefits and Perks
The Honors Program at the University of Mount Union offers students several benefits and perks to its members.
Honors Community
An engaging community is an integral part of Mount Union’s Honors Program. Students in the Honors Program spend a lot of time together in the classroom as they complete their curriculum requirements, but the Program also seeks to create a welcoming and engaging community beyond the classroom.
Student Accessibility Services supports Mount Union's commitment to diversity by providing educational opportunities for qualified persons with disabilities through accessible programs, services, and a campus environment.
MU Alliance Chorale
The Mount Union Alliance Chorale represents a successful and long standing musical collaboration between the University of Mount Union and the greater Alliance community.
Alcohol Drug and Wellness Education
Alcohol Drug and Wellness Education
Spectrum Education Center
The Spectrum Education Center at the University of Mount Union provides opportunities for those interested in autism intervention and advocacy.
National Security and Intelligence Analysis
Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in national security and intelligence analysis at Mount Union will be prepared for a career in their field by developing critical skills to identify, analyze, and deal with current and emerging threats facing the United States.
MBA - Leadership and Innovation
Mount Union's Online MBA in leadership and innovation develops the skills of busy professionals needed to take on senior roles in their organizations. Learn more now!
Recreation and Intramurals
Recreation and Intramurals