To accomplish the mission, the University faculty has established guidelines to help students that can be found in the University Catalog:
I. Demonstrate Core Abilities
- A. Demonstrate ability to acquire and assess information.
- B. Demonstrate research skills (both quantitative and qualitative).
- C. Develop ability to think critically.
- D. Develop ability to think creatively.
- E. Develop communication skills.
II. Foundational Knowledge and Integration
- A. Acquire knowledge in humanities, arts and sciences.
- B. Demonstrate the use of concepts and methods in humanities, arts, and sciences.
- C. Develop the ability to view the world from multiple disciplinary perspectives.
- D. Integrate knowledge and techniques across multiple disciplines.
III. Preparation for Fulfilling Lives
- A. Acquire the tools for self-development in order to assess and improve physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth and wellness.
- B. Find and cultivate intellectual pursuits.
- C. Find and cultivate pursuits for personal enrichment.
IV. Preparation for Meaningful Work
- A. Acquire discipline specific knowledge and skills needed at a professional level.
- B. Demonstrate use of discipline specific knowledge and skills.
- C. Integrate discipline specific knowledge and abilities with multiple disciplinary perspectives.
- D. Develop ability to collaborate with others to solve problems.
V. Preparation for Responsible Citizenship
- A. Develop knowledge and appreciation of the individual's culture and other cultures in a global context.
- B. Understand and employ ethics within diverse cultural, social, professional, environmental and personal settings.
- C. Demonstrate civic engagement by active involvement in and beyond the classroom.