Ohio Reach at Mount Union
The University of Mount Union is an Ohio Reach designated campus. Through the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Children’s Alliance, the Ohio Reach Program helps to support students who are or have been connected to Foster Care, Kinship Care, and/or Out of Home Placement while on their journey to pursue higher education.
Join the Mount Union Ohio Reach Cohort
Students who are enrolled at the University of Mount Union and who are current or former youth connected to Foster Care, Kinship Care, and/or Out of Home Placement can register to be part of the Mount Union Ohio Reach Cohort. Being apart of the Ohio Reach Cohort helps provide students with additional support, opportunities, and to join a community of students with shared experiences. Students who register will receive information about available support services, upcoming programs, and more.
Ohio Reach Resources
Ohio Reach is a network of professionals, advocates, and students across the State of Ohio determined to support former foster youth on their higher education journey. Ohio Reach provides resources to institutions of higher education, child welfare agencies, and foster care alumni enrolled in higher education to support their academic success.